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The Inspiration
The inspiration for this exercise was the stacked bar chart showing Democratic primary candidate endorsements on Fivethirtyeight.com
I like this chart a lot. It’s intuitive, clear, gets the big picture across at a glance, but allows for drilling down into the details as well. Also, floating heads are always hilarious.
The Exercise
Stacked bar charts (and similar things like streamgraphs) can be a bit of a challenge. The D3.js API for stacks took me some time to wrap my head around. But it’s definitely doable.
In addition to the official D3.js documentation on stacks, I found Bostock’s Tidy Stacked Area Chart example helpful as well.
For this exercise, we’ll use some data I generated on high calorie foods. Each food has a breakdown of macronutrients, and the chart should show total calories as well. The data can be found here.
I lifted the color pallette directly from the inspiration chart. Hey, it’s a great pallette.
A Solution
My solution looks like this:
Lentil soup - the next avocado?
The code is below, but I encourage you to try your hand at this exercise on your own. Complete code and working example (with tooltip rollovers for the stacks) can be found on codepen.